

Obey: comply with the command, direction, or request of.

As Quarantine has corrupted us (not seriously, but that’s how it feels), the  word obey has been one thrown around my household. “Why will you not obey me”, “will  you just obey”

With two teen boys in the house, this word is used quite often. I’ve even caught  myself using it on the dog. Growing up, I found myself obeying rules and commands to make sure consequences were not taken.  Obey or Pay right? At least that was the rule in my house. Obedience is taught to us to put to use, but once we reach a certain age, obedience then becomes a choice.

Obedience as a child  was necessary, “or else”. Obedience, as an adult, I have determined since moving home, is more of a choice; however, the observation of obedience shows respect, love, and honor. Obedience takes surrendering to your own desires. Obedience also shows love and an empowering presence. Obedience opens the door for others to respect you.  Obedience brings victory.

The Bible speaks of obedience in 4 unique ways:

  1. Obedience brings forth understanding.
  2. Obedience is Love.
  3. Obedience is accompanied by the Holy Spirit.
  4. Obedience brings Victory.

Obedience brings forth understanding. (Psalm 119:30-32)

  • In verse 32, It says “I pursue the way of your commands for you broaden my understanding”
  • The beginning of this passage speaks of surrenderance, setting aside our own desire to take up the commands and doctrine of the Father. 
  • True obedience takes giving  up our own desires and choosing  to obey the commands given  to  us.
  • Through that obedience, then there is understanding. Understanding to reach new levels and receive a crown in Glory.
  • Obedience is so difficult in the moment, but once you open the door to obey, you walk into this amazing library of  understanding. Understanding the  moments that occurred to bring you to the final place of surrenderance, the  moments that  molded you, the moments that warped and bent you, and then finally the moments  that freed you! Obedience to God paves a path before you, but you must choose to obey.

Obedience is Love. (John  14:15)

  • John, Mr. Love Doctor. Here he  is  at  it again.
  • He is simple. He shoots it straight.
  • “I  you love me, you  will  obey  my  commands”
  • As  children, we  obey our  parents because of the whole “or else”.
  • As Adults, we choose to obey our parents, simply because we love them.
  • We find ourselves going the extra mile following commands and doing things for those we love.
  • When we choose to love God, it becomes a moment of being undone from the things our own heart desires and we choose to obey as an act of pure, surreal love. Loving God, is obeying God. Obeying God, is showing him our love for him.

Obedience is  accompanied by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 5: 29-32)

  • Peter here with his buds. They are talking to the Sanhedrins about the death of Christ.
  • They were told to disobey the Father by putting away the teachings of Christ.
  • They made a point within this text that speaks life to us still today. In the  moments of pressure  to  disobey, there, is the Holy Spirit. Our obedience to Christ reigns over any person, any peer  pressure, any law, and any statue.
  • Upon obedience, Just as Christ was obedient, one will prosper through eternal life.
  • They end the passage by saying that the Holy Spirit abides within those who are obedient, just as he resided within Christ.
  • The obedience of Jesus Christ led to life everlasting through grace by his blood. The Holy Spirit as  our  guide leads us into obedience and will direct  our path that shall  be placed before  us.

Obedience brings Victory. (1 John  5:3)

  • Loving God  is obeying God, which means surrendering  to  his plan and  will.
  • Keeping his commands is obedience. This means not seeing them as a  hinderance to ones life, but freely  obeying with his promises and joy at heart.
  • Those who do these things and are of God, it is promised that we shall conquer the world! (This makes me feel like a superhero’s sidekick!)
  • Through obedience to our God, through giving up our  desires,  loving  him, keeping his commands, and trusting  through faith,  WE  can choose VICTORY  through obedience.


My friends, Obedience is a choice. A choice each of us have  to make. A choice to obey the command of the father. This is following Christ. Obedience is the choice to love while  gaining understanding, a guidance by the Spirit, and a life  of Victory.  I pray today, as I journey to choose obedience, that you also will choose to obey, so that we may inhabit the Kingdom and conquer the world together!


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